Configure Your Service - Mail Templates

End users that log in to the service will receive emails e.g. when created or changing password.

To configure if users need to log in or not, please see: End User Access.

This guide describes how and which templates to customize.


Use the following table to determine which templates you need to customize:

Template Sent when Notes
Confirm New Enduser Mail A user signs up with self service To confirm the email address by following a link in mail
Enduser Changed Email Mail A user changes its email address Sent to old and new email addresses
Enduser Password Reset Mail A user or administrator has requested a password reset The user can change password by following a link in mail. Meanwhile the old password is still valid
Enduser Removed Mail A user or administrator has removed the account
New Enduser Mail An administrator has invited a user The invited user can accept the invitation and enter desired password using a link in the mail
New Payment Mail A subscription renewal payment is performed or failed

Editing the templates

Goto the Portal -> Settings -> Service Mail Templates.

  1. Edit template to change
  2. Enter your email address in the Send test email input and press Send to receive a sample
  3. When happy save the updated template

Customer Portal Mail Templates